Posts in Massage
What to Eat After a Massage

You’ve heard it before - likely from your massage therapist - but the best thing you can do after a massage is to hydrate well. Manipulation of the muscles can deplete them of water, so it’s very important to re-hydrate after a massage. But what about food? Are there any foods that you can consume after a massage to reduce pain/cramping and facilitate the healing process? The answer is YES!

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Massage, NutritionFront Desk
Massage Myths - Fact or Fiction?

Registered massage therapists (RMTs) have a deep understanding of the whole musculoskeletal system including joints, tendons, ligaments, bones, fascial, and muscles of course. We also understand other body systems such as the endocrine system (hormones) , nervous system, digestive system and more. When you’re getting a massage by an RMT they are working with the consideration of your body as a whole.

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Massage, WYNTKFront Deskmyths