Should We Be Counting Calories?

One of the most common questions I get asked as a nutritionist is - should I be counting calories? And my simple answer is no. Although I think counting calories can help create awareness around eating, I don’t think it is advisable for most people. Calorie counting and calorie restriction can lead to disordered eating in some people. Additionally, calorie counting isn’t synonymous with a healthy diet.

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Nutrition, WellnessFront Desk
What to Eat After a Massage

You’ve heard it before - likely from your massage therapist - but the best thing you can do after a massage is to hydrate well. Manipulation of the muscles can deplete them of water, so it’s very important to re-hydrate after a massage. But what about food? Are there any foods that you can consume after a massage to reduce pain/cramping and facilitate the healing process? The answer is YES!

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Massage, NutritionFront Desk
Mental Health in the Summer

In Manitoba we anticipate our glorious summers. After surviving our frosty winters, outdoor festivals, patios, slurpees, and beaches promise so much sunshiny happiness. However, when we look forward to something this much, reality can disappoint and interfere with the summer we hoped for. If you are struggling this summer, you are not alone.

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