The Benefits of Student Massage

With spring approaching, Wolseley Wellness Centre is set to take on a number of student massage therapists from Evolve College of Massage. The student massage therapists are in their final semester of their diploma program and will be completing their practicum at our Corydon and Portage clinics.

Seeing a student massage therapist during their practicum has a number of benefits:

  1. Student massage therapists are at their peak of of their education. After two years of extensive hands-on training, they are ready to serve and put their knowledge into practice within the community.

  2. Students massage therapists are flexible and open to constructive, real world feedback. They appreciate the opportunity to learn to better inform their professional development.

  3. Student massage treatments are often discounted making massage more accessible, ideal for people living on a fixed income, self-employment or working without health insurance benefits. Discounted treatments can also help your insurance coverage last longer if you see a student massage therapist between visits to your regular massage therapist.

At Wolseley Wellness Centre, student massage treatments are $42.50 + GST for 60-minutes. Contact us to book today!