Clinic Cancellation Policy - Why Do We Have One?
Clinic Cancellation Policy
Our expert admin team gives you all the info you need to know about our clinic cancellation policy and why we have one.
Our Cancellation Policy
Our clinic’s cancellation policy is as follows: Missed appointments and appointments that are cancelled within 1 business day of the scheduled appointment time will be charged to you at 100% of the scheduled appointment cost.
Appointments that are cancelled within 2 business days of the scheduled appointment time will be charged to you at 50% of the scheduled appointment cost.
These charges are not eligible for reimbursement through private insurance. Our cancellation policy applies to all services at Wolseley Wellness Centre including: massage therapy, lymphatic drainage, naturopathic medicine, nutrition counselling, counselling and psychology sessions.
Why Do We Have a Cancellation Policy?
Your appointment is a time that is set aside just for you, for your care. Missed appointments and late cancellations affect both your therapist and those who could have used your appointment time for their own care. To help ensure that your therapist’s time and commitment to you is respected, we do charge late cancellation and missed appointment fees.
Cancellation fees are designed to protect your therapist’s livelihood and are a very common practice for most appointment based services. A therapist is not paid for appointments that are not attended.
That being said, we get it. Life can be unpredictable and out of our own control. We are more than willing to make exceptions and will not charge a cancellation fee in the event that you are sick or are experiencing an emergency. Please contact us prior to the appointment to let us know if you won’t be able to attend, so that we can offer your time to someone else in need of care.
This grace and understanding goes both ways. Just as we are committed to you, your care, and your time, we will not cancel on you unless absolutely necessary.
We love what we do, we hope that you love what we do too! Your commitment to our clinic and our community means so much. See you at your next appointment!