Pregnancy Massage
Studies have shown that the more you receive therapeutic nurturing touch in pregnancy, the more likely your are to pass this touch on to your baby. Well, isn't this great news for everyone; all the more reason to get a massage!
But seriously, taking care of yourself in pregnancy, postpartum, and beyond also takes care of your baby and your loved ones. Self-care isn't self-indulgent. Self-care allows you to have the energy, the reserves, the resilience to care for the ones you love.
Massage is safe and effective in all trimesters, can reduce anxiety, decrease symptoms of depression, relieve muscle aches and joint pains, and improve labor outcomes and newborn health. Click the button below to learn more.
Your Pregnancy Massage Team
Erin graduated from Wellington College of Massage Therapy in Winnipeg in 2009, and has pursued additional training in pre- and post-natal care since then, in the classroom, the delivery room, and the treatment room. With over 10 years of hands-on experience focusing on pregnancy-related treatment, Erin believes in educating her clients in order to help them to be active participants in their own wellbeing, and is ready to help you to be well, wherever you are in your journey.
Erin practices out of our Portage Avenue location.
Stephanie Maxwell is a Registered Massage Therapist, a Certified Infant Massage Instructor, a Massage Therapy Educator and a Pre and Postnatal Movement Specialist.
Her practice focuses on supporting individuals and families through the transitory journey of pregnancy and postpartum parenthood.
Stephanie completed her Massage Therapy Diploma at Sutherland-Chan School of Massage Therapy in Toronto, Ontario in 2014, where she subsequently held a faculty position as Massage Therapy Instructor and Clinical Supervisor for four years. She has worked extensively with pre and postnatal birth parents, supporting them through their pregnancies and into their postpartum life. She loves to help people find the joys and the ease of movement in their bodies and in their lives, and to support them through the transitory journey of parenthood.
Stephanie practices out of our Corydon Avenue location.
Stephanie’s therapeutic massage treatments aid in better pregnancy, birth and postpartum experiences. Through the application of massage therapy techniques, nervous system downtraining, education and movement, Stephanie focuses on balancing and aligning your pelvis and supporting structures, to help your baby sit in the best possible position, and aid in more physical comfort for you. Her hands on work facilitates comfort, ease and relaxation.
Stephanie’s infant massage classes support postpartum individuals by teaching them tools to help soothe & bond with their new babies.
Stephanie developed, and currently teaches the Massage Therapy Course at Evolve College in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
At Sutherland-Chan, as well as teaching and supervising other courses and clinics, she:
• Developed and taught the Pregnancy Massage Therapy Course
• Supervised the High-Risk Pregnancy Specialty Clinic at Sunnybrook Hospital
• Supervised the Post Surgery Specialty Clinic at Toronto General Hospital in Gynecology, Urology and Oncology
Stephanie has worked extensively with pre and postnatal birth parents, supporting them through their pregnancies and into postpartum life. Her practice focuses on:
• Creating sound postural alignment, which aids in optimal fetal placement and easier births with fewer interventions needed
• Pre and Postnatal breast massage
• Post cesarean birth and post-surgical scar tissue treatments
• Painful pelvic syndromes such as: endometriosis, pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain, sacroiliac joint pain & low back pain
• Diastasis Recti Abdominis Rehabilitation
• High Risk Pregnancies
Stephanie holds certificates in:
• Pre and Postnatal Massage Therapy and Breast Massage - Perinatal Massage Therapy Education
• Pregnancy Related Pelvic Girdle Pain - Dr. Sinead Dufour, Reframe Rehab
• The InCORE Method® - Diastasis Recti and the Postpartum Core, Munira Hudani
• Pre/Postnatal Fitness Specialist - Pelvienne Wellness
• Core Confidence Specialist - Core Confidence Education
• Infant Massage - Somatic Institute of Healing
• Birth Work - Mamastefit
• Yoga - 200 Hour Certification - YogaSpace
• Yoga For Pelvic Health - Pelvic Health Professionals
• Postnatal Yoga - YogaSpace
• Restorative Yoga - Yoga Therapy Toronto
• Yin Yoga - Yoga Therapy Toronto
• Yoga Nidra - YogaSpace
Randi graduated from Wellington College of Remedial Massage Therapies in 2012 and has taken additional training in hot stone massage and aromatherapy, reflexology, pregnancy massage and neuro-proprioceptive tape application. She believes balance is essential in life and in her practice, and treats physical health and mental wellness hand-in-hand using various techniques to provide a unique and effective treatment adapted for each individual.
Through her years of practice, Randi has developed a passion for supporting families during pregnancy, postpartum recovery and especially infant care. In 2018 she became a Certified Infant Massage Instructor and now offers private sessions as well as group classes. While she strongly believes that infant massage is most beneficial when performed by parents, she also offers therapeutic massage treatments for infants with muscular conditions and injuries, and provides guidance for parents to continue care at home.
Randi practices out of both locations.
Pregnancy Massage rates
To book an appointment or for more information please call
204-774-5521 (Portage) or 204-775-5521 (Corydon)