Workshops & classes

Available workshops & classes

Prep for Birth: A Pelvic Floor Movement-Based Workshop

Led by Stephanie Maxwell of The Pregnant Pelvis, Registered Massage Therapist & Certified Pelvic Health Yoga Teacher and Mandy Renaud, Doula, Childbirth Educator & Evidence Based Birth Instructor.

Join Stephanie and Mandy for an in-person pelvic floor workshop in preparation for birth.

This course will equip birthing individuals with knowledge and understanding of their pelvic floor, core cannister, and pelvic biomechanics as applicable to the birthing process.

Birthing individuals will learn how alignment, breath, movement and birth positions can facilitate the birthing process by increasing push power, promoting greater ease and creating pelvic space during birth.

This class is a great addition to a traditional birth course and will equip you with essential information not covered in traditional birth courses.

Stephanie Maxwell is a Registered Massage Therapist, a Certified Infant Massage Instructor, a Massage Therapy Educator and a Pre and Postnatal Movement Specialist. Her practice focuses on supporting individuals and families through the transitory journey of pregnancy and postpartum parenthood.

Mandy Johnson Renaud is the founder of Equanimity Birth & Wellness as well as a Birth Doula, Childbirth Educator, Evidence Based Birth Instructor, PAILadvocate, Fertility Advocate and GentleBirth Instructor.

Cost: $160+GST per registration. Each registrant may bring a partner or support person with them (no additional cost).

Location: Evolve College of Massage Therapy, 1445 Portage Ave, Winnipeg (5th floor of the old Clarion Hotel)

Upcoming Dates: 9:30am - 1:00pm

  • Saturday, May 10th 2025

To register or for more information please

call 204-775-5521 or email.