Caesarean Recovery & Massage Therapy
CAEsarean Recovery & Masage Therapy
Registered Massage Therapist and Pre/Post-Natal Specialist, Stephanie Maxwell, explains how massage therapy can help you recovery from a caesarean birth and reduce scar tissue adhesions and pain.
A caesarean birth is major abdominal surgery. An incision is made through 7 layers of tissue. Oftentimes individuals are left with low back pain, numbness, weak cores, and pelvic floor issues such as urinary urgency.
A massage therapist with training in scar tissue massage can help decrease pain and increase function by applying specific massage techniques to your scar. Scar tissue massage can commence once your incision is healed at approximately 6 weeks postpartum. Scar tissue massage is of most benefit when it’s performed on a daily basis. Massage therapists can teach you how to massage your own scar! This will help fill in the gaps between massage therapy treatments.
When a new scar is forming, scar tissue fibres lay themselves down in a disorganized way. When this happens adhesions can form where scar tissue binds to organs. This can create pelvic and low back pain, as well as pelvic floor dysfunctions. Oftentimes individuals also experience a lack of core connection specifically in the lower portion of their abdomens where their incision is. Massage therapy can help to decrease adhesions or binding of tissues, to help the tissue layers slide and glide over one another, decrease pain and dysfunction and increase deep core connection.
Looking to book a post-natal treatment with Stephanie? Feel free to contact us at (204) 775-5521 or book online. Please note, it is important that you get the clearance from your doctor before you begin treatment if you’re newly postpartum.
Stephanie Maxwell is a Registered Massage Therapist, a Certified Infant Massage Instructor, a Massage Therapy Educator and a Pre and Postnatal Movement Specialist. Her practice focuses on supporting individuals and families through the transitory journey of pregnancy and postpartum parenthood.