Lymphatic drainage Therapy


Will my extended health benefits cover Lymphatic drainage therapy?

If your health insurance plan covers massage therapy, then yes.

LDT is a form of massage therapy, offered at Wolseley Wellness by a registered massage therapist, and so LDT treatments are eligible for reimbursement through the massage therapy coverage component of your extended health care plan.

How will I feel after my first treatment?

Every body responds differently to LDT. Most clients report feeling very relaxed after their first treatment and say that they sleep well the night after their appointment, though occasionally a client will report a burst of energy. And, of course, most clients report decreased symptoms of the condition they are having treated.

Approximately 10% of clients will experience some symptoms of a detox reaction, the most common complaint being a headache. A detox reaction could be more intense, including but not limited to body ache, diarrhea, darker urine, mucous membrane discharge, or skin rash. Reactions usually last 12 to 48 hours.

In our experience clients who are more severely ill, or who have a history of strong reactions to body work, are the most likely to experience a detox reaction. If you suspect you are susceptible to a detox reaction please schedule a 30-minute appointment for your first appointment and ensure that you drink plenty of fluids the day of your treatment.

How many treatments will I need?

The will depend on the purpose for your visit.

Most post-surgical clients can expect to come once a week for 3-4 weeks, and then every two weeks for another 4 weeks. If everything is healing as it should by time you are 8 weeks post-op you should be finished with your treatments.

If you are coming for other reasons we recommend you book one appointment per week for 3 weeks before we make any longer term recommendations. Three appointments will allow both you and your therapist to evaluate how you are responding to the treatment. This will help in determining when you might need to return for additional treatments.

The goal is always to spread the appointments further and further apart while still making progress in the treatment of your condition. Treatment can either stop when the condition is fully recovered, or, in the case of a chronic condition, we can enter into the regular maintenance phase of treatment. Regular maintenance treatments varies from individual to individual, and could be anything between one treatment every two weeks to one treatment every 6 months.

I’ve had plastic surgery and my doctor advised me to get lymphatic massage. how soon can i come in after surgery for my first appointment?

We can start doing LDT as soon as you are physically able to get into the clinic - for most clients this is one to two weeks post-op.

Please let us know when you book if you are unable to lie down so that we can prepare to treat you in a seated position.

If you have special pillows or bolsters you use at home please feel free to bring them in to your appointment.

Can I receive ldt if I have cancer?

Yes, many cancer patients find LDT to be very helpful in managing symptoms of both the disease and treatments, but it is important to check with your doctor if you have an active case of cancer before scheduling.

LDT can stimulate your body to process the chemotherapy drugs at a faster rate. Given that some chemotherapy doses are very specifically measured we will need to ensure that LDT will not conflict with your chemotherapy treatments.  For example, you may take chemo every three weeks, in which case your doctor may advise that you only receive LDT during the two weeks you do not have chemotherapy.